Carlmont Bell Schedule

Carlmont Bell Schedule


As a student at Carlmont High School, I know firsthand how important it is to understand the school’s bell schedule. Each year, the schedule changes slightly, so it’s important to stay up-to-date.

What is Carlmont Bell Schedule?

The Carlmont Bell Schedule is the daily schedule of classes for students at Carlmont High School. It includes the start and end times for each class period, as well as break and lunch times.

Why is it Important to Understand Carlmont Bell Schedule?

Understanding the Carlmont Bell Schedule is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps students arrive on time to their classes, which is crucial for academic success. Secondly, it helps students plan their day and prioritize their tasks. Finally, it ensures that students are aware of any changes to the schedule, such as early dismissals or late starts.

Personal Experience

Last year, I struggled with the new Carlmont Bell Schedule. I was used to the previous schedule and found it difficult to adjust to the changes. I often arrived late to my classes and felt unprepared for the day. However, once I took the time to understand the new schedule, I found that it was actually more efficient and allowed me to better balance my academic and extracurricular activities.

List of Events and Competitions

The Carlmont Bell Schedule includes a variety of events and competitions throughout the year. These include pep rallies, spirit weeks, sports games, and academic competitions. These events are designed to foster school spirit and encourage student involvement.

Schedule Guide

Here is a breakdown of the typical Carlmont Bell Schedule:

  • Period 1: 8:00am – 9:25am
  • Period 2: 9:35am – 11:00am
  • Break: 11:00am – 11:15am
  • Period 3: 11:15am – 12:40pm
  • Lunch: 12:40pm – 1:20pm
  • Period 4: 1:20pm – 2:45pm

Schedule Table

Period Start Time End Time
1 8:00am 9:25am
2 9:35am 11:00am
Break 11:00am 11:15am
3 11:15am 12:40pm
Lunch 12:40pm 1:20pm
4 1:20pm 2:45pm

Question and Answer

Q: How often does the Carlmont Bell Schedule change?

A: The Carlmont Bell Schedule typically changes once a year, at the beginning of the school year.

Q: What should I do if I am late to a class?

A: If you are late to a class, you should check in with the teacher and ask for permission to enter the classroom. It’s important to be respectful and explain why you are late.

Q: Are there any exceptions to the Carlmont Bell Schedule?

A: Yes, there may be exceptions to the Carlmont Bell Schedule, such as early dismissals or late starts due to inclement weather or special events. It’s important to stay informed of any changes to the schedule.


Q: Can I request a different schedule?

A: No, the Carlmont Bell Schedule is determined by the school administration and cannot be changed on an individual basis.

Q: How long are the breaks and lunch periods?

A: The break period is 15 minutes long, and the lunch period is 40 minutes long.

Q: What should I do if I have a conflict between classes?

A: If you have a conflict between classes, you should speak to your counselor or a school administrator to discuss your options.

Bell Schedule / Overview
Bell Schedule / Overview from