Daily Schedule For Kids

Daily Schedule For Kids


As a parent, you know how difficult it can be to keep your child on track with their daily routine. With so many distractions and activities, it can be challenging to ensure that your child is getting everything done. However, with a well-planned daily schedule, you can help your child stay focused and productive throughout the day.

Personal Experience

When my son was younger, I struggled with keeping him on track with his daily routine. It seemed like every day was a battle to get him to complete his homework or practice his instrument. However, after implementing a daily schedule, I noticed a significant improvement in his productivity and focus.

List of Events or Competition of Daily Schedule For Kids

Here are some of the key events and activities that should be included in your child’s daily schedule:

  • Wake up and get dressed
  • Breakfast
  • Homework or studying
  • Physical activity or exercise
  • Practice any musical instrument or other hobby
  • Lunch
  • Free time
  • Dinner
  • Family time or relaxation
  • Bedtime routine

Detail Schedule Guide for Daily Schedule For Kids

To help you create a detailed daily schedule for your child, follow these steps: 1. Determine your child’s wake-up time and bedtime. This will help you establish a framework for the rest of the day. 2. Prioritize your child’s activities. Determine what activities are most important and schedule them first. 3. Allocate time for homework or studying. Depending on your child’s age and grade level, they may need more or less time for homework and studying. 4. Schedule physical activity or exercise. Physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and can also help your child focus better. 5. Schedule hobby or practice time. If your child is involved in any extracurricular activities, such as music or sports, make sure to allocate time for practice. 6. Schedule meal times. Make sure your child is eating at regular intervals throughout the day. 7. Schedule free time. It’s important for your child to have some downtime to relax and recharge. 8. Schedule family time. Make sure to allocate time for quality family time, such as playing games or watching movies together. 9. Establish a bedtime routine. A consistent bedtime routine can help your child wind down and get a good night’s sleep.

Schedule Table for Daily Schedule For Kids

Here’s a sample schedule table for a child in elementary school:

Time Activity
6:30am Wake up and get dressed
7:00am Breakfast
8:00am Homework or studying
9:00am Physical activity or exercise
10:00am Practice piano
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Free time
5:00pm Dinner
6:00pm Family time or relaxation
8:00pm Bedtime routine

Question and Answer

Q: How do I know how much time to allocate for homework?

A: The amount of time your child needs for homework will depend on their age and grade level. As a general rule, elementary school children should spend about 10 minutes per grade level on homework each night. For example, a third-grader should spend about 30 minutes on homework each night.

Q: What if my child doesn’t want to follow the schedule?

A: It’s natural for children to resist change, but it’s important to stick to the schedule as much as possible. Explain to your child the benefits of following a routine and encourage them to give it a try.


Q: How do I create a schedule for multiple children?

A: If you have multiple children, you may need to create individual schedules for each child. However, you can also try to schedule activities that all of your children can do together, such as family time or physical activity.

Q: What if my child has after-school activities?

A: If your child has after-school activities, such as sports or music lessons, make sure to schedule them into the daily routine. You may need to adjust the schedule to accommodate these activities.

Daily Schedule Printable for Little Kids
Daily Schedule Printable for Little Kids from thehouseofhoodblog.com