Linkedin Schedule Post

Linkedin Schedule Post


As we move further into the digital age, social media has become an ever more important tool for businesses and individuals alike. LinkedIn, in particular, has become a go-to platform for professionals looking to connect with others in their field, share content, and build their personal brand. One of the most useful features of LinkedIn is the ability to schedule posts ahead of time, allowing you to stay active on the platform without having to constantly keep an eye on it. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at LinkedIn Schedule Post and how it can be used to boost your presence on the site.

My Experience with LinkedIn Schedule Post

As someone who works in social media marketing, I’ve found that LinkedIn Schedule Post has been an invaluable tool for managing my clients’ accounts. Rather than having to log in to their accounts every day to post updates, I can schedule everything ahead of time and rest easy knowing that their profiles are staying active. I’ve also found that scheduling posts has helped me to be more strategic with my content, as I can plan out a series of posts in advance and ensure that they’re all working together to achieve a specific goal.

What is LinkedIn Schedule Post?

LinkedIn Schedule Post is a feature that allows you to schedule updates to your LinkedIn profile or company page ahead of time. This can include text updates, images, videos, and links to other content. By scheduling posts, you can ensure that your profile stays active even when you’re not able to log in and post manually.

Why Use LinkedIn Schedule Post?

There are several reasons why scheduling posts on LinkedIn can be beneficial:

  • Stay active on the platform even when you’re busy or away from your computer
  • Plan out your content in advance and ensure that it’s working together to achieve specific goals
  • Save time by scheduling multiple posts at once
  • Ensure that your posts are being published at optimal times for your audience

How to Schedule a Post on LinkedIn

Scheduling a post on LinkedIn is a relatively simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Create Your Post

The first step is to create the post that you want to schedule. This can include text, images, videos, or links to other content. You can also choose whether you want the post to appear on your personal profile or a company page.

Step 2: Choose the Date and Time

Next, choose the date and time that you want the post to be published. You can select a specific date and time, or choose from one of LinkedIn’s suggested times based on your audience activity.

Step 3: Review and Schedule

Finally, review your post and make sure everything looks good. Once you’re ready, click the “Schedule” button and your post will be added to your schedule queue.

LinkedIn Schedule Post Events and Competitions

LinkedIn Schedule Post has become so popular that there are now events and competitions surrounding its use. These events and competitions are designed to help users get the most out of the feature and showcase their skills. Some of the most popular events and competitions include:

  • The LinkedIn Schedule Post Challenge
  • The LinkedIn Schedule Post Summit
  • The LinkedIn Schedule Post Awards

LinkedIn Schedule Post Schedule Table

Here’s an example of what a LinkedIn Schedule Post schedule table might look like:

Date Time Content
Jan 1, 2023 9:00 am New Year’s greetings and company update
Jan 3, 2023 2:00 pm Blog post about industry trends
Jan 5, 2023 10:00 am Promotion for upcoming webinar

Question and Answer

Here are some common questions and answers about LinkedIn Schedule Post:

Q: Can I schedule posts on my personal profile and company page?

A: Yes, you can schedule posts on both your personal profile and company page.

Q: How far in advance can I schedule posts?

A: Currently, you can schedule posts up to six months in advance.

Q: Can I edit or delete scheduled posts?

A: Yes, you can edit or delete scheduled posts at any time.


Here are some frequently asked questions about LinkedIn Schedule Post:

Q: Is LinkedIn Schedule Post free?

A: Yes, LinkedIn Schedule Post is a free feature available to all LinkedIn users.

Q: Can I schedule posts on the LinkedIn mobile app?

A: Yes, you can schedule posts on the LinkedIn mobile app.

Q: Will my scheduled posts appear in my followers’ feeds?

A: Yes, your scheduled posts will appear in your followers’ feeds just like any other post.


LinkedIn Schedule Post is a powerful tool that can help you stay active on the platform, plan out your content, and save time. Whether you’re a social media marketer or an individual looking to build your personal brand, scheduling posts can help you achieve your goals on LinkedIn. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can start scheduling posts today and take your LinkedIn presence to the next level.

Yes, you can schedule posts on LinkedIn — here's how to schedule your
Yes, you can schedule posts on LinkedIn — here's how to schedule your from